HWiNFO64 is the 64-bit version of REALiX’s comprehensive and professional system diagnostic tool. It provides you with accurate information of any single component installed on your computer, from the processors to the graphics chip, and from the motherboard to the battery. It produces useful reports that you can save as a text, CSV, XML, or HTML file.
The amount of information it provides can be overwhelming at times. Actually, this is no tool for the beginner – if all you need to know is the name and type of your processor or the total RAM memory installed in your system, use the properties tab instead. HWiNFO64 produces the kind of exhaustive information that hardware designers, computer manufacturers, and hardware technicians know how to interpret. It gives you not only objective information about any component on your computer, but also valuable data about its health and the use you are making of its resources. It not only tells you that the current temperature of your CPU Package is 49.0 ºC – it also reminds you that this value should not go below that temperature or above 56.0 ºC. It gives you the current virtual memory load or the physical memory used in MB, but also as percentages, so you really know how much you have left at a glance.
The System Summary window is probably one of the program’s main assets. Here you will find all the technical information about your system that you can dream of, and more. The level of detail provided makes this window a bit hard to grasp at first, but once you have located the component you are interested in, everything makes sense. CPU, GPU, motherboard, BIOS, memory, drives - every single part of your computer is there.
You can also access specific information about any of the components by using the program’s main interface. The various sections of your computer are neatly listed here – central processors, motherboard, memory, drives, monitor, ports, etc. Here the information provided for each component is even more comprehensive than the one in the System Summary, and it is certainly better organized. The last item on the list is Smart Battery – here you will see its general properties and the current power status, together with a piece of information that even novice users would find to be very useful, the wear level. This will help you to know if you are making a good use of your laptop’s battery and when it is time to buy a new one. Whenever you need to do so, do not forget to take a look at the battery’s “general properties” section.
HWiNFO64 is the only application you will need to know more about every hardware component installed on your computer and the use you are making of them. This sensitive information can help you detect and prevent unwanted system failures and hardware malfunctions.